Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Ultrasound #2

The follow-up ultrasound was done today and the doctor was very and out today compared with last time. The first words out of her mouth were "there's the heartbeat." Those are such reassuring words to hear. She gave me instructions on how to wean the progesterone (no more shots!) and we hugged goodbye. I told the office I would miss them, but for a good reason.

I would like to get off the progesterone faster, but worry at the same time about messing things up. I know it is not until the 8th week that the placenta takes over pumping out hormones. The doctor did not see a obvious corpus luteum on the ultrasound, so I need to be careful with the progesterone.

I guess I want to distance myself from all the medications and ivf stuff and get on with just being pregnant. I also know that the extra progesterone is responsible for all those pesky symptoms. I am grateful for even getting to this point, but a bit impatient also.

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