Thursday, January 27, 2005
Letting the world in
I passed the magic 1st trimester mark last week and started to let people know (and let my mom & mother in law spread the news). Some of my friends in my service club wanted me to put it in the monthly newsletter. I said I no, just let me stick out and people will know...I also said I was embarassed. I am not sure that was really the right word,; I am not really embarassed...I am proud and happy, but in my own little world. I actually meant "I had to go thru a lot to have this baby and I am still scared I might lose it so I don't want to make a big deal about and have to explain later." I keep telling people its so early and they laugh and say, no, you are not early. Personally I probably would have not announced it publically until the baby was coming out of me (ha, ha). I guess now I have to deal with letting the world into my world...its not really bad, just scary. I will never be able to take being pregnant for granted.