Monday, January 10, 2005

Pregnant Pauses

After all the scurry and hurry of the iui/ivf/etc. treatments, now my days and weeks are filled with pauses. These pauses consist of time periods that I remember that I am pregnant now (NOTICE I am using the P word). I pull out my "What to Expect" and "It could happen to you" books and ruminate an hour or two here and there. There are also pauses in between doctor visits and those seem especially long to me. After going every other day for 3 weeks to my RE, I last saw my OB about 2 weeks ago...sounds short, but seems long to me. I will not see him for another 2 weeks. I know at this point, if I had a fetal doppler I could listen in on Blobby's heartbeat...but alas, my best friend (an OB) is out of town. Another pause is to contemplate the daycare/ nanny/ work rearranging combinations/ permutations that will be possible for our family. And sometimes in the middle of all of this, I pause to think about how wonderful it is that ivf worked for me.

Oh, Toffee--belated congrats to you!! I'm sorry I haven't checked in on your blog in a while (heck, it had been so long, I was looking for desertdoc so imagine my surprise when I found this new blog--and yea!!). I am so thrilled for you and happy that things are going great so far.

(And thanks for the info about putting vaseline over the Locoid cream--BTW, will bacitracin over it work just as well? Derm wants me to put that on as he doesn't want some of the bumps I've rubbed raw to get infected).

I really is wonderful to hear that your IVF worked! And I know what you mean about pauses. My "new" life is measured out in 2 week increments--to the OB and to the peri in alternating visits. But I treasure them, each one-along with each day, and it sounds like you do too. Enjoy my friend! You deserve this happiness....
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