Tuesday, February 08, 2005

A freak out

Last night, I was feeling irritated in my rectal area and figured my hemorrhoid was acting up. I went to the bathroom and peed and wiped. BLOOD. Hmmm...I thought, my hemorrhoid, but I figured out quickly that it was coming from my vagina. YIKES! Deep breath...think. Wipe some more. Go lay down, tell DH, and call my best friend, the OB.

She said, I'm still at the office, come over and we'll check the baby. I had no cramps or pain, so I worried a tiny bit less, but we drove over to her office. Mind seems to feel dissociated from body. Husband trying to make jokes to cheer me.

Ultrasound: 1. Heartbeat, check 2. Growing baby, check 3. No obvious bleeding source except placenta is lying low. Go home, eat, feel better, blame it all on a 1. full work day, 2. trip to Walmart 3. Cleaning out fridge, and 4. a walk around the park. 5. Cooking dinner. SLEEP, blessed sleep, few dreams of vaginal bleeding.

This morning, called my OB. Told to come in right away. Vaginal ultrasound reveals small blood clot between amnion and chorion (placenta), baby is fine. Internal exam is fine. Doctor tells me to take it easy, no "relations" and that it will be resorbed and I should be fine. Sighs of relief. I promise him I will be careful.

RE happens to call to check on me today. Tell her brief version, and try to emphasize for her (and me) that baby is fine and growing.

It is all still a bit unreal to me. I have been having feelings of wanting to be with my loved ones...even called my MIL and had lunch with her and DH.

So very glad that the bleed is minor and should resolve soon. It's great that you've got a close friend who's an OB and could give you some peace of mind quickly--not to mention a medical team that sounds as though they're also taking good care of you.

Please do take it easy (guess this means no more cleaning the fridge, darn) and know that I'll be thinking of you and the bambino.
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