Thursday, February 03, 2005

A Prayer for Parenthood

A Catholic friend of mine gave me this prayer when I was IVF-ing. It brought comfort to me.

"Good St. Gerard, we desire to personify our love. Through your prayers of intersession while still living among us, mothers have safely delivered healthy babies against all odds. One whose holiness can help to work such miracles, sure can aid in the miracle of conception. Thuse we ask for your saintly intersession now that I and my husband may be blessed with a child. We aspire to be good parents, to raise a child that we may love as our very own, even while knowing that he or she is a child of God. Please, we pray, join your voice with ours in our plea to our loving Creator, from whom all life has its beginning."

I am not Catholic (and couldn't tell you who St. Gerard was), but while surfing the net I found that some Catholics had (some still) opposed ivf/ other infertility treatments. But many changed their tune after a while! (I guess probably after they themselves went thru being infertile).

I was baptized a Catholic but I'm actually agnostic. Despite this leaning, a very religious (and coincidentally, Catholic) friend of mine sent me a similar group of prayers that I hadn't thought much of until I saw your post.

Now that I'm facing some uncertainty thanks to my quad screen result, one of them has brought me comfort. I share it here with you in case you ever need some pregnancy comforting. It's a bit "religious" but...

Pregnancy Prayer

O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long months before Your birth, I place my baby and myself entirely in Your Hands. Free me; I beseech You, from useless and consuming worry. Accept the sacrifice of my aches and pains, which I unite to Your sufferings on the Cross. Above all, most merciful and loving Jesus, protect this child You have given to me from all harm, bestowing the health and vigor every baby needs. Implant in my heart and on my lips the words and prayers of Your mother and mine, our lovely Lady of La Leche. All this I ask that my child and I may live to praise forever Your Holy Name. Amen.

P.S. As you may know, I live in south Florida--also known as the cultural center of all things Cuban. The best friend who sent me this is Cuban so if you're wondering who "Our Lady of La Leche" is, it's Mary (not that you couldn't deduce that from the prayer's verse but I thought I'd clarify just in case).

Hope you and baby are doing well!
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