Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Elle Magazine

I was just commenting the other day to one of my girlfriends that since I have been married and now with child, my magazine interests have changed a bit. I used to look forward to devouring the latest fashion mags, Elle especially as it is one of the more intelligent ones out there. But lately I am finding Redbook and Good Housekeeping (?!) more interesting. Love fashion and dating topics, but marriage/ baby advice is more relevant to the current stage of my life.

Today, however, I got my Elle and there was a article about how some people were going the "natural" route treating infertility...expensive spas, Chinese medicine, and rebalancing with herbs, etc. and not going the Western medicine, "instant gratification" methods (articles words, not mine), IVF (I would hardly consider IVF as instant gratification), etc. Interesting reading, presented different views, etc., but I couldn't help thinking, even though a lot of it was "natural" it was still the same..."I'll try anything to get pregnant"... which is truly the point where many people dealing with infertility are/ were at (including myself). Also interesting many of the women in the article were over 40 and trying for the 1st time even many with obvious menopausal symptoms.

Denial? Hope? I don't know.

It also still reeks of the "it's your fault you can't get pregnant" crap. You have an imbalance because you are too career oriented, too short, too fat, too stressed, too non-herbal, too "whatever." We don't need anyone else, natural or not, telling women they are at fault because they don't get pregnant easily/ at all.

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