Thursday, July 21, 2005

Baby list for the minimalist

I know, I know, everyone has a list of stuff you need for the baby so here's mine. It is ironic I call mine minimalist as I received every baby outfit sold in the surrounding 200 mile radius at my gianormous shower. And yes, I am one of those IVF mom's who didn't get a nursery decorated or have a "theme" or "colors." Here's hoping it will help someone out there in blogland.

Newborn essentials for me

1. Car seat to take baby home in from the hospital.
2. DIapers in appropriate size (may need to buy various brands...I've tried them all...she actually does best on the Target generic brand). My baby was littler than expected so we had to go get the N size (newborn) as the 300 size 1's (from diaper cake at shower) were too big and she leaked everywhere)
3. Urp/ burp cloths - especially if bottle feeding. She had less urps when I started nursing.
4. Onesies - count on at least 2 a day
5. Crib/ bed/ etc.
6. Crib sheet - 4 in one - my sister in law sent me wonderful. They lay on top and have straps that snap onto the crib slats. My mattress is tightly wedged, so all the crib sheets (normal ones) are very difficult and time consuming to put on.
7. blankets - you can't have too many, especially the small flannel ones.
8. Case of bottled water for where you hang out/ feed baby/ near bed. I was amazingly thirsty all the time from pumping and breastfeeding.
9. Changing table with clothes basket and diaper pail (with cover) and scented plastic bags in throwing distance.
10. Some kind soul (my dh) to throw out diapers each day into garbage.
11. Helpful relative/ friend (my mom) to take care of you...for at least 2 weeks
12. If breastfeeding, washable cotton nursing pads, bras (several), t-shirts, lansinoh nipple ointment, boppy pillow, back pillow, glider/ comfy chair

possibly more later...

Sounds like you got a good load...

You get an A it seems for being ready for the baby ;)
I'm back to check your blog again and you just keep the great posts coming! Do you know of any great websites that sell baby gift. I've seen a few good ones but I think make the best I have seen. You have got a great blog and I will be back to check it out.
I'm back to check your blog again and you just keep the great posts coming! Do you know of any great websites that sell baby shower centerpiece. I've seen a few good ones but I think make the best I have seen. You have got a great blog and I will be back to check it out.
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