Saturday, July 23, 2005

I find myself...breastfeeding

When I was pregnant, inquiring minds wanted to know whether I would breast or bottle feed. Apparently a big decision in mommy world. I didn't really know I answered...I'm going to see what happens.

Now, because of the preemie/ NICU stay I was

1. Pumping milk to give to her in bottles

then I got tired of pumping and feeding (lots of time/ work) so I figured it was formula time BUT
baby decided to

2. Breastfeed at my boobs!

so now I am here and she is 3 weeks old and sucking away and I have been thru the gauntlet of sore nipples, scabs, and boppy pillows. I have bought some clothes with "nursing slits" and more nursing bras (I only had one, but have been making do with regular bras and just strpping down as I have been cooconing at home). So I return to work in 6 weeks so what then?

3. Breastfeeding as possible with pumping at work?

perhaps that is next...

So glad to hear that the breastfeeding is going well for you and Lindsey. Things didn't go so smoothly on my end and after four weeks of exclusive breastfeeding, I've since combined pumping and formula.

Now at 5 weeks heading into 6, she gets about 6 formula bottles a day and 2 breast milk bottles a day (down from 5/3). Pretty soon I'll have her weaned entirely to formula. I do feel bad about this at times but also believe that I feel more bonded to her now that we're on formula. We actually stare at each other (and imprint I imagine) during feedings now whereas before she just stared at my massively gigantic breast!

I wish it had worked out differently but can't beat myself up over it. And whatever you decide when you return to work, don't beat yourself up over it either. Pumping, breast, formula...whatever works best for you and she will be just the ticket.
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