Friday, November 18, 2005
The exploding breast
Well, here I am, still breastfeeding the little one (4.5m old). I have once again tried to make an attempt to SLOWLY wean, introduce solids, and deal with her sleeping longer thru the night. So yesterday, according to the books, I didn't pump ONE time at work and last night I work at 3AM with an engorged, rock hard, hot left breast. That has always been the side with the abundant milk supply and actually not her favorite. I tried everything, cabbage leaves, hand expressing a little out to relieve some pain, ice pack, massage (around it...I could barely touch it), deep breathing, trying to sleep again (a little bit then I rolled over and AGHHHH pain!) and I WASN'T GOING TO WAKE A SLEEPING BABY. Then finally 2 hours later I heard her sucking her fingers. I rushed to her bed and picked her up to nurse. 30 seconds later, sweet relief. Maybe I should have woken her up...but that would continue the problem with stimulating them.
OK I give up. I will breastfeed her until she's 21. I still have some options...don't skip pumping but pump a little less (probably doable, but when I don't pump enough I get plugged ducts), antihistamines (I'll be drugged up), and birth control pills (it was so hard to get pregnant I don't ever want to do anything again to prevent it).
I am not sure if I am ready really, but I am ready for my boobs to feel normal again and be able to wear a real bra without plugged ducts, irritation, etc. My boobs have always been weird. I have rarely found a bra that fits/ feel comfortable, even before pregnancy. I have been measured, tried different fabrics, sizes, cups, etc. With breastfeeding it has become even more difficult. If the bra is just a bit snug, I get plugged ducts. All I can stand right now are nontight fitting tank bras or tank tops. The nursing bras have too many seams that rub up a plugged duct. I am a normal sized woman with B-C sized breasts in the lower range of the recommended weight....some even say I am can this be that I have an odd chest/breast area. So even though they are weird, they really make milk...I am ready to join La Leche for life. Maybe a career as a WET NURSE? All you gals who formula feed are probably laughing/ sighing with relief. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy nursing her but the other parts are not so fun.
OK I give up. I will breastfeed her until she's 21. I still have some options...don't skip pumping but pump a little less (probably doable, but when I don't pump enough I get plugged ducts), antihistamines (I'll be drugged up), and birth control pills (it was so hard to get pregnant I don't ever want to do anything again to prevent it).
I am not sure if I am ready really, but I am ready for my boobs to feel normal again and be able to wear a real bra without plugged ducts, irritation, etc. My boobs have always been weird. I have rarely found a bra that fits/ feel comfortable, even before pregnancy. I have been measured, tried different fabrics, sizes, cups, etc. With breastfeeding it has become even more difficult. If the bra is just a bit snug, I get plugged ducts. All I can stand right now are nontight fitting tank bras or tank tops. The nursing bras have too many seams that rub up a plugged duct. I am a normal sized woman with B-C sized breasts in the lower range of the recommended weight....some even say I am can this be that I have an odd chest/breast area. So even though they are weird, they really make milk...I am ready to join La Leche for life. Maybe a career as a WET NURSE? All you gals who formula feed are probably laughing/ sighing with relief. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy nursing her but the other parts are not so fun.