Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanks on Thanksgiving

This year as I was sitting down to the great feast at the dining table on Thursday, I had a flashback to last year.

We were at my in-laws house. I had finished eating one of my most favorite meals of the year when I had a feeling something wasn't right. I had had my IVF the week previous and only my DH knew at that time. I got up to go to the bathroom and there in my underpants, blood. Brownish blood, but blood nonetheless. Somehow we made an excuse to go home for a bit so I could call my doctor. I hyperventilated in the car the whole way home (actually only 5 minutes). I apologized profusely for disturbing her Thanksgiving and she listened and reassured me that it was probably the progesterone suppositories irritating the vaginal tissues. My DH suggested bathing (I had given up baths and just showered) to help clean the area and also sooth my nerves. There was no more bleeding that day, I stopped the suppositories, and I started baths again.

This year as I was smacking my lips on stuffing and putting some sweet potatoes on the lips of the happy baby on my lap, I thought about last year and said a prayer of thanks.

Amen to that! What a difference a year makes. I'm so happy you're where you are.
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