Monday, May 29, 2006

Breastfeeding Memories

Nothing like a little free time to get those blogging juices going. The entry below is a response to an entry by Galloping Cat on Breastfeeding. I may have already blogged about this, but I thought it would help anyone out there who might be struggling with BF'ing

Yeah, just when I thought BF was going well, I would get a plugged duct or some kind of horrible engorement. I hated breastfeeding, especially being awake at 2:30 Am with engorged breast (I had one good breast and one crazy breast) and the baby deciding to pick that night to sleep thru with me pondering whether to pump (to relieve the PAIN) or just cry and suffer thru. I also remembering surfing on the internet to distract myself while massage a bad plugged duct one night.

I worked M-F 8-3 with 2 pumping sessions and did it for 5 months. I think I made it that long because the was the longest time period any of my girlfriends did it. That competitive B*Tch in me...

I agree with you on the natural thing...I wonder if I could have lasted longer if I was a SAHM and never pumped. I was really great at pumping though...I had a Medela PIS as well as an Avent Isis. I could pump, car, etc. The thing I didn't hate was that the baby seemed to really enjoy it and had this strong rooting reflex (for ALL females actually).

One book that really helped a lot was The Nursing Mother's Companion. I had the pamphlet form that came free with my hospital stuff and eventually I bought the book when I decided to go longer than 2 months. It could be a breastfeeding nazi book, but it actually is a very useful, accurate, and practical guide.

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